Friday, August 26, 2016

ReejecttIIon: a number two by Daniel Clausen & Harry Whitewolf

Goodreads Summary

By reading ReejecttIIon, it’s likely you’ll discover: colorful short stories, funny flash fiction, hilarious cartoons, riveting reviews, wondrous anagrams and other assorted skits and titbits of under-achieving literary genius.

If you’re lucky, you might come across sci-fi tales about the privatization of words, horror stories about hair and ruminations on indie writing. It’s also possible that you’ll find commentary on the hazards of greedy literary agents and stories about washed up movie directors who receive financial backing from space aliens.

Publisher’s Meekly calls it: “a thought-provoking fable about technological hubris and the hazards of bioengineering.” (*This may or may not be referring to Jurassic Park and not ReejecttIIon.)

Reader’s Indigestion says: “this book quietly stands as one of the most powerful statements of the Civil Rights movement.” (*This may or may not actually refer to To Kill a Mockingbird and not ReejecttIIon.)

But why not read this seriously comical scattergun book and see what you can discover about ReejecttIIon for yourself?

My Thoughts

ReejecttIIon is unlike any book I've read before.  There were parts I really liked and then some parts I wasn't crazy about.  All in all, it kept me pretty entertained.

At times, while reading this book, I wondered what in the world I was reading!  I could myself laughing out loud several times.  There were also times that I was completely confused about what I had just read.  It made for a very interesting read.

I can see why ReejecttIIon has so many great reviews already!  It was funny, confusing, entertaining, weird, and a bunch of other things all wrapped up in one.  Not bad, not bad at all!

*Note: I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.

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