Friday, August 2, 2019

Queen Mary's Daughter by Emily-Jane Hills Orford


There are so many possibilities that affect the course of history. One change, one small item overlooked, can make a world of difference, not only in a person's life, but in the history and well-being of an entire nation. And then there are those multiple scenarios of what if? What if King James VI of Scotland didn't succeed in amalgamating Scotland with England? What if there had been another heir to the throne of Scotland? One who would secure its independence? Would Scotland have remained free and independent and a nation of its own well into the twenty-first century? And would Scotland, this independent version, make its own decision to join the European Union when its southern neighbor was choosing to pull away?

Queen Mary's Daughter presents another plausible timeline, one that incorporates both historical fact and fiction with the endless possibilities of time travel.

My Thoughts

I have come to really enjoy historical fiction.  And, the idea of a "what if" historical fiction storyline.... well, I had high hopes!  That can turn out disappointing at times.  This time, I was NOT disappointed!

I loved the characters in this book.  If a book doesn't grab me pretty quick with great characters I tend to lose interest.  But, thankfully, the characters in Queen Mary's Daughter were wonderfully done.  The historical details were beautifully done and the thoughts and ideas so intriguing.  I was absolutely drawn in.

Such a wonderful, well-done story!  I'm so pleased that it was sent my way!

*Note: I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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