Tuesday, August 7, 2018

A Life No Less Than Perfect by Angela K Parker


The lone survivor of a tragic car accident, Elona has since been a recluse, with the exception of her parents. Though her memory is fogged, she is finally in a place where she can begin to piece together her life again. She felt that moving miles away from home would help her do that. She thought she was prepared for anything...until she met him.

Michael is a young man with a rough past, a past that’s left him pained and broken. He shoulders the guilt of his former circumstances. He’s accepted that he will never find someone deserving. Then he lays eyes on her and his whole life suddenly changes.

Will Elona be able to love, after she’s lost so much?
Can Michael move past the pain enshrouding him?

To get through tragedy they must feel the pain, but getting through the pain will be tragic.

My Thoughts

I expected this book to be more dramatic or something.  It had its serious moments but it wasn't super dramatic.  I did enjoy it, so that's a good thing!

A Life No Less Than Perfect is an enjoyable book.  It's not the most amazing book that I have ever read but it was certainly good enough.  At times, it was a bit predictable but I feel like most romancy type books are.  It wasn't so predictable that it was annoying or anything, it was just somewhat predictable.

There were times that Elona got on my nerves.  I understand that she had been through some tough things and all but she acted childish at times.  I also felt that we didn't get enough of Michael's backstory.  I would liked to have learned more about his past.

All in all, it was an enjoyable read.  Thanks for sending it my way!

*Note: I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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