Monday, April 15, 2019

Kingdom Cold by Brittni Chenelle



Attempted murder, that's how sixteen-year-old Princess Charlotte's engagement starts. It seems like the only thing she has in common with Prince Young of Vires is their mutual discontent.

When her kingdom's attacked, Charlotte's parents renegotiate her hand in marriage to a handsome stranger with a sinister plan. With the people Charlotte loves dying around her, and her kingdom's future at stake, the only person she can turn to is the prince she betrayed. But, should she save her kingdom or her heart?

One must fall.

My Thoughts

Oh!  My!  Word!  I loved this book!  It was not at all what I was expecting and I loved that!

Princess Charlotte, although annoying and bratty at times, was a great character.  Let be real, she was only sixteen and had just been told that she was going to be married to someone she didn't really know in just a few days.  She had every right to be a bit upset!

Prince Young was wonderful!  I love this character so much!  He's definitely my favorite.

The ending caught me by surprise in several ways.  First of all, the one ting that happened that has me devastated!  I'm not going to give it away, but.. really?!  I'm not ok with that!
But then... the ending!  The little twist (the Kingdom name, the new King, the Daughter's name...) I can't handle how much I loved it!!!

I am dying to read the sequel!  I can't tell you how much I enjoyed this book!

Well done, Brittni Chenelle!  This is such a great book!

*Note: I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Monday, April 8, 2019

Are We French Yet: Keith and Val's Adventures in Provence by Keith Van Sickle



Can Two Americans Really Become French?

Val and Keith turned their lives upside down when they quit their jobs to begin a part-time life in Provence. But they wondered: Can we fit in? And maybe become French ourselves?

Follow their adventures as they slowly unlock the mysteries of France…
- Is it true that French people are like coconuts?
- Can you learn to argue like a French person?
- What books have changed French lives?
- Most important of all, how do you keep your soup from exploding?

There’s more to becoming French than just learning the language. If you want the inside scoop on la belle France, you won’t want to miss this delightful book!

My Thoughts

I had the pleasure of reading One Sip At A Time: Learning to Live in Province by Keith Van Sickle back in 2017.  My rating was actually 4 stars! I guess I really enjoy reading about different adventures and things in people's lives.

This book was just as good as the first!  I really loved it :)

I absolutely loved it when they were trying to learn to speak French better and the person literally laughed!  Lol!!!  That had me pretty tickled!

I highly recommend this book!  It is a great, fun read!

*Note: I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Tar by Taylor Hohulin



Brendan Cobb calls it tar, but there might be as many names for it as cities left standing.

To some, it’s known as filth, or blight. Others call it the Black God in reverential whispers. Whatever name it takes, the effects are the same. Cities left in ruins. People turned into monsters. Living infections with no known cure. The best anyone can do is avoid it, but even that gets harder the more it spreads.

Brendan survives this waking nightmare by trading salvage for shelter and for repairs to his cybernetic arm, until a newcomer arrives, convinced Brendan is the key to ridding the world of tar once and for all. Reluctantly, Brendan and his mechanic join the newcomer on a journey across the desolate highways of a ruined world, where he learns the true history of the tar…and of the dark power inside him, which grows stronger every day.

My Thoughts

I can honestly say that I did not really expect to like this book!  Even when I first started it, I was unsure if I would be bale to get into it.  Then... it sucked me right in!

Brendan's personality s hard to like but you also don't hate him.  I found myself getting frustrated with some of his choices yet also feeling like I might make the same choices at times!  Krystal is definitely my favorite character in this story.  In my opinion, she makes the book!

Tar is definitely not like any book I have ever read before.  I highly recommend it!  I can see this as a movie, for sure!  I know  would watch it!

*Note: I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.